Restore Somalia Foundation

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Capacity Development

RSF acknowledges the significance of establishing strong institutions and equipping individuals and CSOs with the necessary resources. Through forums, symposiums, conferences, and discussions, we facilitate exchanging knowledge and enhancing skills. RSF seeks to cultivate resilient individuals and institutions able to make contributions to sustainable development and good governance. We have experienced professionals who are willing to share their expertise and skills for the betterment of the people.

Southern Somalia Peace & Sustainability Forum

Southern Somalia Peace & Sustainability Forum
RSF identified a communication gap between policymakers, traditional elders, youths, women, and civil societies from Southern Somalia. The Southern Somalia Peace & Sustainability Forum was established in October 2021 following extensive consultations with numerous Southern Somalia stakeholders. This initiative seeks to unite professionals, policymakers, traditional elders, women, and youths. It intends to bring together community interests and discuss sustainable and evidence-based solutions for the region’s security, social development, climate change, health, education, and humanitarian response sectors. The inaugural annual Southern Somalia Peace & Sustainability Forum with the “Peace & Reconciliation” theme was held in Istanbul, Turkey in August 2022. The second annual Southern Somalia Peace and Sustainability Conference will be hosted in Cairo in 2023.

Naadiga Akhriska & Qooraalka Baay (NAQB) - SKILLS DEVELOPMENT

RSF is a firm believer in the importance of education and growth in skills for social and peace development. The Baay region has one of the largest out-of-school populations in Somalia. Naadiga Akhriska & Qooraalka Baay (NAQBAAY) is a literacy program established in 2019 to promote literacy and provide quality research writing skills to the youth of Baay, Somalia, including girls and young women. It aims to steer young people away from violent ideologies and provide girls and women with access to education.

RSF’s Power Talk - Citizen Dialogue

RSF recognizes the value of dialogue participation in achieving a sustainable goal. Through Power Talk, we provide a platform for citizens to voice their opinions and promote shared values. Power Talk is an interactive platform that empowers citizens to have a stronger voice in political participation and to hold governments accountable. The purpose of RSF’s Power Talk is also to increase public awareness, policy comprehension, positive dialogue, and conversation.